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Key Features

In order to offer the best possible service we give users a wide variety of features.
Use the tabs to view more detailed feature information within each section:

  • Lock Topics Locking a topic prevents normal members from being able to post new replies to it or modify replies they had made.
  • Sticky Topics Sticking a topic ensures it always appears at the top of the page, no matter how old it gets. This is useful for ensure important topics (such as rules or board information) remain visible.
  • Announcements Important topics relating to the entire message board can be made announcements which causes them to appear with the sticky topics in all boards.
  • Move Topics Topics can be moved to different sections of your message board for better organisation.
  • Merge Topics When you get two similar topics running side-by-side you can merge them into a single topic.
  • Split Topics If a topic starts to go off-topic you can split it in two.
  • Delete Topics Entire topics can be removed from the message board. However the recycle bin feature gives you the opportunity to restore these if they are accidently deleted.
  • Modify Posts Members can modify any of their own posts and staff can modify a member's posts. This can be to remove inappropriate content or just correct a mistake.
  • Recycle Bin This allows you to restore entire topics or individual posts which were accidently deleted.
  • Multi-Topic Moderation Multiple topics can be moderated simultaneously. This is most useful for locking or moving lots of topics at the same time.
  • Bump Topics This enables you to bring older topics back to the top of the page and appear as unread for everyone.

You can find our latest features and news announcements on our Announcements Board