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Text Formatting | ||
UBBC Tag | HTML Equivalent | Description |
[b] | <b>, <strong> |
Makes text appear in a bolder/heavier font [b]Hosted Forums[/b] => Hosted Forums |
[i] | <i>, <em> |
Italic font appears slanted to the right [i]Free Message Boards[/i] => Free Message Boards |
[u] | <u> |
Underlines the text with a 1px line [u]vForums[/u] => vForums |
[s] | <s>, <del>, <strike> |
Strikes or crosses through the text with a 1px line [s]Paid Hosting[/s] => |
[h1] | <h1> | Heading 1 is used to help describe the document structure. It is normally used for the main title. |
[h2] | <h2> | Heading 2 is used to help describe the document structure. It is normally used for sub-headings. |
[h3] | <h3> | Heading 3 is used to help describe the document structure. It is normally used for other headings. |
[p] | <p> | Starts a new paragraph |
[br] | <br /> | Inserts a new line break. You can also start a new line break by pressing the "Enter" Key. |
[sup] | <sup> |
Superscript text is smaller and has a higher baseline 12[sup]th[/sup] July => 12th July |
[sub] | <sub> |
Subscript text is smaller and has a lower baseline H[sub]2[/sub]O => H2O |
[size=2] | <font size="2"> |
Controls the size of the text. 2 is the standard font size. [size=1]Small Size 1 Text[/size] => Small Size 1 Text |
[font=verdana] | <font family="verdana"> | The font face used for the text must be installed on a users machine for them to be able to use it => |
[color=#CC0000] [green] | <font color="#CC0000"> |
The color of the text can be specified either with a common word or a HEX color code [gold]Gold Service[/gold] => Gold Service |
[move] [move=4] |
<marquee> |
The text scrolls across the screen from right to left. If you specify a number, it controls how fast the text moves. |
Embedded Content | ||
UBBC Tag | HTML Equivalent | Description |
[url] | <a> |
A link which opens in a new browser window []Google[/url] => Google |
[link] | <a> |
A link which opens in the current browser window [link][/link] => |
[email] [email=user@domain.ext] |
<a> |
A link which opens in the users email client [email]user@domain.ext[/email] => user@domain.ext |
[img] [img width=200 height=200] [img alt="My Image"] |
<img> |
Embeds an image which you can specify the width, height and/or alt text. At this time you must host the image elsewhere
[img alt="free forums"]
![]() |
[flash] [flash width=200 height=150] |
<embed>, <object> |
This enables you to embed YouTube or Google Video units. You would enter either the URL of the videos page, the URL of the video itself or its ID. [flash] |
Page Layout
HTML Equivalent
<ul>, <ol>
Displays either a bulleted (default) or numbered list of items. Items are added to the list using the [*] tag (below)
This is an item within a list (above). You can have as many items within a list and can have new lists within items.
<hr />
Inserts a horizontal rule to split a post into two parts. [hr] =>
Indents the text. This is often used for showing extracts of text.
Centers the text to the middle of the post.
[center]Hosted Forums[/center] =>
[right width=200]
[left width=200]
Text aligned to the right or left of the post. If you specify a width the css "float" attribute will be used to help give advanced layouts.
<br style=
"clear: both;" />
This is used to move the next floating element onto a new line.
Preformatted text which displays repeated spaces between words
[pre]Some Spaced Text[/pre] => Some Spaced Text
[table width=750]
Opens a new table. You can specify the width of this table (in px or %) or a default of 80% will be used. Tables require a number of table rows and table cells (below)
Starts a new table row. Table rows contain table cells (below)
[td colspan=3]
[td rowspan=2]
<td>, <th>
Starts a new table cell. Table cells contain the text you wish to display.
[table width=150]
[td colspan=2]Table Title[/td]
[td rowspan=2]Cell 1[/td]
[td]Cell 2[/td]
[td]Cell 3[/td]
Table Title
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 3
Enables you to link to a users profile showing the current name color and display name.
[user]admin[/user] => Ross
Enables you to display raw UBBC code
[noubbc][b]Bold Text[/b][/noubbc] => [b]Bold Text[/b]
Creates a code box which attempts to highlight the code based on the language (html, css, js or php). The code box shows line numbers and will enable a user to select all the contents
Converts a Unix timestamp to a readable time in the users local timezone.
[time]1230224400[/time] => 25th Dec 08 at 6:00pm
Inserts an anchor tag with a name attribute. This can be linked to via a [link] or [url] tag so the users browser scrolls to the specified position.
[anchor]free[/anchor] => <a name="free"></a>